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Virginia's Books

Paperback, 2010



ISBN-13: ‎ 


Available through the publisher.


E-book, 2014​


Available through

Amazon Kindle

Enjoy this collection of poetry and short fiction that ranges from serious to lightly comedic. Some are drawn from Virginia’s own life. Each is warm, endearing, and relaxing to read. You won't want to miss reading a single one. Two of Virginia’s favorites are “A Very Good Teacher” about Adele, who, at the age of seventy, was sentenced to work off a habitual speeding habit by teaching driver's education to teenagers at a detention center, and “Esperanza’s Diary” in which a newly hired lawyer must decide whether to pursue the fast track in Washington, DC, or a more hands-on career in her hometown.

E-book, 2014​


Available through

Amazon Kindle

This historical novel traces the cross-country journey of five economics professors, who have worked together for many years, yet barely know each other. Along the way, they not only come to know each other; they become a family as they help one another over the rough spots that affect each one in the wake of the closing of the National Airspace System on 9/11. Meet Kristen, the professional career woman; Frank, whose anger proves to be rooted in personal loss; Bier, the department head, who is taking flak from the dean even as his wife mourns the loss of a friend who died in the attack on the Pentagon; Don, whose wife is coping by planning a complete kitchen remodel; and Elena, the young assistant professor who has not been away from home for very long, let alone during an emergency.

Enjoy this novella about a long-divided family that reunites with a little help from a family they met on an excursion train. It was inspired by the conductor / docent on an excursion train on which Virginia traveled.

E-book, 2014


Available through

Amazon Kindle

E-Book, 2011

ASIN: ‎ B006M4X1G8

Available through

Amazon Kindle

Enjoy more of Virginia's short stories and poems. This continuation reflects life as she sees it and, even, as she wishes it were. It is bound to appeal to almost everyone. Two of Virginia’s favorites are “Life in the Village,” follows the goings on in a single block of MacDougal Street in New York. The residents include Zenith, a street urchin; Luv, a writer with a curmudgeonly attitude; and the deli owner, who gives food to those who live on the sidewalk in front of his store, and “The Homecoming,” a poem about a family’s reaction to their father’s return home from the sea following a months-long voyage.

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